Tuesday, February 12, 2008

February 12, 2008- Life so far

Hey all!

Well let me get started by telling you about my past...

I have never been the "Party type" teen. I dont drink, smoke or do drugs. Thats just me. So turning into a Mommy was not that hard of a transition for me.

My ex boyfriend and I started going out on December 8, 2005, I believe. We where that couple that broke up and got back together multiple times. Our final break up was at the end of March. We went out for a year and three months. On April 7, 2007 I found out I was about 8 weeks pregnant. The day before Easter.

I told one of my sisters, she told another which told another, needless to say, I really did not have to tell anyone of my pregnancy. Then I was 16, I was too ashamed to tell my mom. It was really hard, I waited till the 9th (the day after Easter) to tell her. She cried and yelled a lot... she had wanted me to get an abortion but soon after that day dropped the subject. Everyone in my family found out by the end of the week, Morgan's dad's Family found out and his Mom kept asking me to get an abortion, this was not a choice for me. His dad told him the baby was not his. I took this hard and cried when I found out, This happened at school through an e-mail. It went something like this "my dad dosent think the baby is mine" nice huh? His dad still does not think so. My mom got over it, slowly. She went through stages. The first was not talking to me, talking to me but not about the baby... the baby was just ignored, then talking to me and talking about the baby. I love my mom. Without my Mom I would not be who I am... and personaly... I love my life. My Mom is in love with Morgan, Morgan just smiles and laughes at her... its so nice to see that.

My pregnancy was easy, though I did not see a doctor until I was 28 weeks, but from the day I found out I was taking pre-natal vitaimins and doing my best to stay healthy. I walked to work & ate as well as I could, despite my crazy cravings for a Big Mac. Morgan's dad and I just about did not talk through my whole pregnancy until the 8th month. I felt that if he wanted to be apart of this then he would be responsible and phone or e-mail me questions, concerning our baby. I recieved one... it read "whats up?" Does not seem like much concern to me...

He wondered why I became mad everytime we did talk (everytime it was me calling him)... I was mad because I knew he was off partying, doing drugs and as I later found out having sex in his mothers home with a girl he knew for only a few weeks.
While I was home watching and feeling our baby kick and move like a little monkey alone without her father to celebrate with. I did not mind staying home on Friday nights... but I did mind that he was out on friday nights and didnt have a job... except for caddying on Saturdays and Sundays. I was working everyday and I walked to work everyday up until I was 7-8 months pregnant. My mom made me stop walking because it was 98 degrees out. hehe.

Enough about that...

My little girl lives in a home full of love, just for her. I think she is hardly ever put down. She smiles more then any other baby I know, which is the best because everyone loves toothless smiles.

Being a teen mommy is hard. I get looked at, talked about and treated as if I went and had sex with every guy in the world. One guy was all.

But at the end of the day that dosent matter. I love my little girl and I would do absolutly anything to make sure she is safe and healthy. She is the light of my life.